We arrived in Illinois in the middle of a drought and the hottest summer in living memory. We went on to freak snowstorms including ten inches of snow on the second day of spring. We've now made it to tornado season. Last night we were at church for the Wednesday night service. We could hear rain drumming on the roof. It quickly grew in intensity to the point where it was about to drown out the preacher. (It was competing with some people in the sanctuary who feel the need to chat during the sermon because of course whatever they are saying to the person next to them is so witty and/or deep they just can't hold it in until after the service and of course they aren't bothering anyone around them who might actually want to listen to the preacher not to mention the fact that it's just plain rude and weren't they taught manners growing up or were they born in a barn ???) Ahem. Then someone from the children's department trotted into the sanctuary a...
Homeschooling Mom, Military Wife, Slayer of Spiders, Finder of Lost Car Keys.........